Samsung has just announced their latest "metal-edged", metal frame on the sides and a faux leather back similar to the Galaxy S5. The new device is calle "Galaxy Alpha" and packs a 4.7 inch HD Super AMOLED display of 720p resolution, an Exynos 5 Octa (four Cortex-A7 1.8GHz cores and four Cortex-A15 1.3GHz cores) processor, 2GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage (no micro-sd card slot). Also the device has a 12 mega-pixel rear camera and 2.1 mega-pixel front.
The flagship measures 132.4mm x 65.5mm x 6.7mm and weights 115g. It runs Android 4.4.4 KitKat and it comes with Samsung’s fingerprint sensor, heart-rate sensor and will be compatible with the Samsung Gear smartwatches.
The device will be available at the beginning of September but it’s not clear yet which markets will get the Galaxy Alpha except in UK where EE carrier confirmed it will have the device.
The Galaxy Alpha will be offered in black, white, gold, silver and blue.
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